Your primary resource for Sustainable & Responsible Tourism in Ireland

GHP Comment: Most Certified members of GHP will already implement these 12 basic standards, and many will have gone far beyond them. Consider the term “Basic” and consider your current performance – does your hotel stack up? These are the expectations of the industry and of your customers – if you cannot state that you are actively engaged you will be regarded as a laggard and will lose business.

What are the Basic Standards:

2 of these four must be implemented now; (We would strongly urge all four should be!) – all should be in place within 3 years of 2022

These 5 are required; – and improvements must be seen within 3 years

One of these 3 is Required; (Why one….) – the rest in place by 2025

If you want to know more download the WTTC Guide to the Hotel Sustainability Basics Here

If you want to engage become a member of the Green Hospitality Programme and get certified