Green Hospitality will recognise a Destination as a Greener Destination when it achieves the required criteria as set out within this document.
At the core of this programme are the following minimum requirements;
- The Destination must make a formal application to Green Hospitality to be recognised as a Greener Destination
- An agreed number of tourism & hospitality businesses must be listed on the website or adopt the Green Aware programme (For smaller businesses)
- All participants must complete the Tree questionnaire annually or other questionnaire provided by Green Hospitality from time to time.
- The destination must identify and operate a Signature Project annually
Greener Destinations actively promote the synergy’s that exist between the Tidy Towns Programme and Sustainable Tourism and encourages destinations to incorporate Tidy Towns as an integral part of the destination engagement. By implementing the Greener Destination programme a town can add vital points to the following scoring sections
– Community Involvement & Planning
– Sustainable Waste & Resource Management
– Tidiness & Litter Control
Greener Destinations actively supports the principles of Responsible Purchasing – Local, Regional, National and when imported – Responsibly Sourced. There are a number of internationally recognised branded organisations that endorse responsible suppliers – Fair Trade, Rainforest Alliance, etc.. – these principles should be embedded within the destination. Fair Trade towns will already have an advantage.
Greener Destination Programme Downloads
Greener Destination Programme Outline
Greener Destination Application Form
Green Aware Documents
Other Information Downloads
Failte Ireland – Business Sustainability and the Environment
Failte Ireland – Green Marketing Toolkit
Fairtrade – Towns – Goals and Guidelines
Tidy Towns – Sustainable Waste & Resource Management
USA – Philadelphia – Beginners Guide to Sustainable Businesses