Your primary resource for Sustainable & Responsible Tourism in Ireland

The Eco-Friendly Business GREENMark is a micro certification sustainability Eco-Label for smaller businesses, anywhere in the world,  that operate in a responsible, sustainable and environmentally friendly manner. It is operated in conjunction with Green Hospitality and and any Irish tourism or hospitality B2C business that achieves the GREENMark will be listed on our consumer website  It is designed to support the All-Island Sustainable Tourism Assurance programme that commenced in 2024 which is administered by Failte Ireland and Tourism Northern Ireland and it supports many of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs)

The programme is primarily aimed at micro and small businesses that spend less than €100,000 per annum combined on Energy, Water and Waste.  It can also act as an initial step for any size business that wishes to commence implementing sustainability within their business and easily leads into the Green Hospitality Awards.

The initial cost is €299 plus VAT for any business followed by, once certified, annual membership fees based on total environmental business costs.

We also offer the GREENMark Eco-Label for accommodation providers that wish to secure a “Sustainability Certified” listing with booking engines.  This requires additional documentation, a more enhanced audit for businesses and a slightly higher audit cost. (The GREENMark Eco-Label is also open to any other business) 


Application Form

Standard Checklist        

Download the Checklist to see what the GREENMark standards are and how easily you can implement them within your business.

Sustainability Standards

The Eco-Friendly Business GREENMark programme requires members to implement actions within the following sustainability elements;

  • Management Commitment and Compliance
  • Sustainability Planning & Targeting
  • Environmental & Sustainability Performance Measurement
  • Green & Responsible Procurement
  • Staff Engagement & Employee Welfare
  • Consumption Measurement
  • Carbon Footprinting
  • Responsible Communication
  • Energy, Water & Waste Reduction/Minimisation Planning
  • Local Community Engagement
  • Biodiversity Planning 
GREENMark Resources are provided through our Web Portal which members are given access to once they sign up.  These include tools, templates, sample policies, Specific and Recommended actions – sufficient supports to enable you to secure the GREENMark
We know what you need and provide the tools to support those needs 

Businesses that can secure Eco-Friendly Business GREENMark 

  • Accommodation – B&B’s, Guesthouses, self-catering, camping, hostels, etc.
  • PCO’s and DMC’s
  • Visitor Experiences and Attractions
  • Activity Providers
  • Catering – Restaurants, Bars, Vendors
  • Transport providers
  • Artisan food & drink producers
  • Any small business – as the standards required are applicable across all business types – not just tourism/hospitality
  • If your business is not on this general list ask us as we want to be as open as possible – especially micro businesses
  • The GREENMark can also be a first step for larger companies into the world of sustainability and act as a base for additional certification 

Join now and start your sustainable journey Application Form 

The GREENMark is open to partnerships with groups of businesses and destinations that wish to enhance their environmental and sustainability credentials.
Contact us directly if you are interested in starting a partnership. 

We welcome feedback and comments from all stakeholders and if you have any suggestions please provide them directly to us.
The Eco-Friendly Business GREENMark is a voluntary programme and certified members are required to maintain the standards on an ongoing basis.  If a stakeholder identifies that any standard is not being implemented they should initially engage directly with the member and if there is no change then communicate directly with us using the Contact Us section within this website.  We will then engage directly with the member to ensure our standards are complied with.